Friday, December 18, 2020

SLJ Which one doesn't belong

 Kia Ora bloggers, today I have done another Summer Journey Learning task. This Summer Learning Journey Task today is finding the odd one out. Basically, there are these slides that I have to complete and say which one is the odd one out. It could be one. two, three or all of them. Here are my slides and my answers. At the end I have made one of mine that you guys can answer in the comments. Hope you guys like my answers! 


  1. Kia Ora Keti,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I thought this activity was really fun as I loved playing the spot the difference games in magazines when I was younger!

    You did an amazing job with this activity spotting all the differences and sometimes more than one difference in the slides. I thought the spot the difference slide you made was very cool and I think I can spot two differences, the first that A and B are not cups and the second that C is not a container with a lid?

    Let me know if I got it right?

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Hi Zana, your comment is very polite but the answer to the last one was D because the bottle starts with a B and the rest start with C so it is D.
