Thursday, April 30, 2020

Te Reo Maori

Kia Ora
Whauau, here is words that you can use in you living room but in Maori, like for an example hopa is a couch in Maori.

Couch- hopa
Tepu Kawhe- coffee table
Rama- lamp
Whariki- mat/rug
Pouaka whakaata- tv
Wairehe- stereo/sound
Mihini whakamahana- heater/heat pump
Arai- curtains
Whakaahua- photos

Kei te matakitaki ahau i te pouaka whakaata= I am watching tv.
Kei te whakarongo ahau i te wairehe= I am listening to the stereo.
 Whakakangia te rama= turn on the lamp.

As you can see that there are sentences in Maori that have some of the words that are in the first paragraph.

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