Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Putiputi Kāneihana Quiz

 Kia Ora bloggers, today my class took a quiz about the Putiputi Kāneihana waiata. There were 7 questions, we had to watch the video of the translation and then take the quiz. The quiz was very easy and not that hard because all we were doing was picking the English version of some words in the waiata. 


  1. Ka pai, Keti! Have you heard about the Putiputi Kāneihana waiata before the quiz? What is a waiata you enjoy singing? Great job on getting 7 out of 7.

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    2. Kia Ora Miss Leuii, thank you for your comments. Yes I have heard of the Putiputi Kāneihana waiata before.
